(syllabus and calendar)

Ch. 5. More Data Types and Operators
pp. 151-200

includes ArrayOfStringsExperiment.java


Session 5

If there is extra time ...



Review of OOP Terminology: fill in the blanks.

The JVM can call a method, finalize(), on its own thread related to memory management, which is separate from the main thread. This example also shows how to define a constructor and how to define a method.

Static Method Calls

The following illustrates the use of a static method calls (lines 40 and 42), which are OF a class rather than ON an object. Static members are stored one time in in a central place on the JVM, unlike instance variables, which have a separate copy for each instance.


An array is a collection of objects of the same type.

The syntax for allocating memory for an array is similar to that for creating other types of objects insofar as we use the new operator:

type[] identifier = new type[size-to-allocate-for-values];

For example,

HumanBeing[] originalPair = new HumanBeing[2];

To assign a value to an element in the array, we reference the element.

originalPair[0] = eve;
originalPair[1] = adam;

If we already know the value of the elements at definition time, we can initialize the array with values with specifying the size:

HumanBeing[] originalPair = { eve, adam };

Here is a primitive example:

int[] myIntArray = new int[10];
myIntArray[8] = 47; // assign a value to an element

The first array we encountered was args, the array of Strings we can type at the command line when we launch a program.
If we invoke the interpreter with a single arg, such as 236

java HelloWorld 236

The value 236 will be stored in args as a String.

// construct an array of type char
char[] albumName = {'H', 'e', 'l', 'p'};


The JVM stores a String internally as an array of individual characters, primitives of the the type char.

String albumName = "Help";

is essentially the same as

char[] albumName = {'H', 'e', 'l', 'p'};

as here demonstrated by the acrobatic contortions of John, Ringo, George (backwardly), and Paul.

SUMMARY: An array is a collection of items of the same type, whether that type is a primitive (like char, int, boolean) or a reference type (like String, Employee, or Beatle).

For impulsive purchase, a two-dimensional array named mcdonalds of type fastfoodImage with 15 elements:

With its 5 rows and 3 columns, this could be represented as fastfoodImage[5][3]

For scientific analysis, a three-dimensional array that is 9 by 9 by 9:

How many arrays are in this photograph?


An array stores multiple variables 

Examples of arrays

Array objects encapsulate a group of variables, which don't have individual names. They are accessed using positive integer index values. The integer indices of a Java array object always extend from 0 to (n-1) where n is the length of the array encapsulated in the object.

SUMMARY: in Java, an array is zero-based, and if you try to access an array of, say, 5 elements at the 5th index, well, there is no 5th index, only 0 through 4. Such a references causes the JVM to throw the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and shown in ArrayErr.java.

one-dimensional population and length field

An array can be declared, assigned a length, and populated.

 You cannot reset the length of an array, but you can get its length field with this syntax: arrayName.length; For example, month_days.length;
Arrays are useful for many things. An array is an object that is also a collection. One use of an array is as the return value of a method. In Java, a method can only return one value or object. What if you method calculates two or more values? It is possible to have the method return a collection object, such as an array, that contains multiple values (or objects).

Declare versus declare and populate

SUMMARY: Two ways to create an array:

Here, we populate the array with a comma-separated list in curly braces, and do not specify its length. This is the array initializer syntax:

In the example above, how does Java know the length of the array of friends?

Here, we populate indexed elements after the assignment of the array length:

Note that it is not necessary to populate all the elements in an array.

What kind of array does the following photograph show?

One way to perceive the bowling pins is as a ragged array (4, 3, 2, 1).
Another way is to see a 4x4 array with some nulls indices.

Arrays are objects that can be created in any of three ways:


The size of an array is immutable and available through its static instance variable: array_name.length


Let's consider http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/System.html#arraycopy%28java.lang.Object,%20int,%20java.lang.Object,%20int,%20int%29
The arraycopy method belongs to what class? Does it belong to an object? What does the arraycopy method do?

Why would the arraycopy  method be a static method on the System object?

public static void arraycopy(Object src,
                             int srcPos,
                             Object dest,
                             int destPos,
                             int length)

http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/lang/System.html#arraycopy(java.lang.Object, int, java.lang.Object, int, int)

Arrays have the length property

Every instance of the Array class has a property called length.
The length of an array is NOT necessarily the number of values in the array.
The length of an array is the total possible memory slots (elements) available for holding values or objects.
The length is the capacity, not the contents. A typical egg carton is an array with what length?

What is the output of this application?

class MyArray {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int myArray[]= {25, 35, 85};

Two-dimensional array - like a table with two columns

We can think of a 2-D array as being like a table with rows and columns. Here, we reference the third row and second column.

The follow example allocates three rows and four columns.

If a one-dimensional array is like a lining up of objects of the same type, a multi-dimensional array is like a table or spreadsheets that has both rows and columns. The syntax can be thought of as:

type[] identifier = {
                               {row1-value, its-column-value},
                               {row2-value, its-column-value}

Another example:

Ragged array - number of columns changes from row to row

3D Array - like a table with three columns

Default values

Non-populated array elements receive a default value:

By default, an array of type String or any other reference type defaults to elements with the value of null.

By default, an array of type int defaults to elements with the value 0, and an array of type boolean defaults to elements with the value false.


Arrays in Java are zero-based for referencing an element, but the counting of the number of elements in the length field begins with 1.
Therefore, arrayName.[arrayName.length - 1] references the final element. 

A runtime error occurs if you try to access an non-existing index.

Algorithms with arrays

Processing an array with an algorithm, and using population by assignment:

This version populates the array with initial values:

Alternatively, you can initialize an array without using the new operator if you populate it with a comma-delimited list.

Sorting an array with the Bubble Sort algorithm.

Reference Type

Because an array is an object, assignment of values can occur by reference.

Because an array is a reference type, it can have a field. Using the length field, which represents the number of elements the array can hold. For loops often use the length of an array as the conditional test. This ensures each element is accessed exactly one time.

Because an array is zero-based, the last element (whether populated or not) is at the index that corresponds to array.length - 1.

The program takes advantage of the length field that is available on all arrays.

 The length is final (constant, immutable). You cannot change the length of an array. If you need something like an array with a variable length, see  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Vector.html and http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/ArrayList.html.


Is it more efficient to use a reference to an existing string or to create a new string? Let's check with TimerDemoForString.java.

for-each style for loop (p. 172)

With J2SE 5, it is no longer necessary to use the array length field to process each index exactly one time. The for each style loop has neither an explicit counter, nor a test condition. It will attempt to process ALL the elements in an array.

An example that iterates a String array:

Another example:

Use cases for the for each style loop involve processing ALL the elements in an array, and include getting the average value, searching, finding minimum or maximum value.

However, the for each style loop cannot be used in many cases, such as if want to reassign values in an array, or if you need to track two counters.

for(int i = 0; int k = myArray.maxValue; i < myArray.length; i--, k--)

Strings are objects that have methods

SUMMARY: Strings are objects, which means they inherit methods from the java.lang.String class.

The String methods are listed in the APIs at  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/String.html#method_summary

and among the commonly-used methods are:




Content Filter - an example of String filtering

This example tests whether a string contains a certain sequence of characters by using the contains method of the String class - http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/String.html#contains%28java.lang.CharSequence%29

If the String contains any sequence of characters in the wordsToFilter array, we print an entirely different string.

See also ContentFilterDemoWithDoWhile.java

The trim method removes white space, as shown in StringTrimDemo.java:

Three ways to construct a String:

The String class provides APIs for operations.

The equals method checks for the same sequences of chars. If so, the two strings are equivalent.
If you use == to compare two strings, you are checking for identity, that is, that the two references point to the same string object.

String array

An array can store String objects.

The default value of a String in an array of Strings is not empty String but null. Any object is null if it has no value assigned to it.

Use methods of the String class on string objects:

String methods

Using the substring property of a String, where the first argument is the starting char and the second argument is the ending char.

Which methods of the String class do we use in StringsDemo.java?

String class does NOT include println method

Note: http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/lang/String.html lists all the methods of the String class. Even though the System.out.println method has a signature that accepts a String as input, that is, as a runtime argument, println is NOT a member of the String class.

Immutability of Strings

SUMMARY: The value of a String cannot change, and this is known as String immutability. When you use the assignment operator (=) to create a new String with same identifier as the old String, the old String is replaced by a new String. The old String can no longer be accessed and its contents are eligible for garbage collection. The variable name that points to the old string can be reused to point to a new string.

An analogy might be the state capital of California, which, during the Gold Rush, moved closer and closer to the gold. The variable name of "capital" remained but each time it referred to a different object, that is, a different city name:

String capital = Monterrey; // 1777
String capital = San Jose; // 1849
String capital = Vallejo; // 1852
String capital = Benicia; // 1853
String capital = Sacramento; // 1854;

You can also create a new string with equivalent contents.

SUMMARY: Java distinguishes between String equivalence and String instance. The equal to operator ( == ) determines if the same location of memory is used for two references to a String, that is, two references to the same String instance or object. The equals method determines if two Strings store an equivalent sequence of characters.

Command-line arguments

The output is:

args[0]: sky
args[1]: is
args[2]: blue
args[3]: 4
args[4]: you

In the following, args[0] is the String "Tom", which is passed in at the command-line without quotation marks.

SUMMARY: the args array comes from any command-line arguments passed in when the JVM launches the bytecode for main. This array is of type String, even if the arguments appear to be numbers. The args array is usually empty and unused.

String in case statements of a switch

We learned about the switch program control statement at http://www.write-technical.com/126581/session3/session3.htm#switch

Now, we can see an enhancement to Java to allow a string to be tested in the case statements.

Bitwise operators

A feature of many computer languages is the ability to operator on low-level data directly at the bit-level, the raw zeros and ones. Java supports this, although it does run counter to the general philosophy of high-level object oriented design. The primitive types of whole numbers (int, char, byte, long, short) can have their bits manipulated. Whereas a String has the toLowerCase method, a char has no method. Therefore, the bitwise operation is legitimate. Here, the bitwise operator is | and it moves the char 32 spaces higher in the ASCII/Unicode table by setting the 6th bit. 2 to the 6th power of 2 = 32.

The bitwise operator ~ sets any bit to its opposite value.

Ternary Operator - ?

Let's look at the ? operator, so named because it has three operands.

op1 ? op2 : op3

The two unusual tokens are the separators: ? and :

  1. Ask a boolean question represented by op1 that ends with the ?
  2. If the answer is true, return the next operator, op2.
  3. else skip to the : and return the final operator, op3.

Abbreviated if-else Statement

SUMMARY: The ?: operator is a conditional operator that asks one boolean question and offers an assignment for both the true and false cases.

result = op1 ? op2 : op3

The ?: operator assigns using op2 if op1 is true. It assigns using op3 if op1 is false.

Think of the ternary statement as short-hand for an if-else statement:

The ternary operator is a terse way of handling if/else logic. You ask a question that can be answered true or false. Depending on the answer, something happens or not.

The syntax is compact and prone to bugs, but it does reduce typing.

Example 1

class TernaryOperatorEquivalentToIfElse
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int a, b, result; // declare three of same type using comma-delimited list
        a = b = result = 13; // initialize all to 13

        if(a + 1 > b)
        result = a + 1;
        result = b;

    // equivalent logic with ternary operator
    result = a > b ? a + 1 : b;

The output is:


Example 2
Here, we ask if i equals zero. If so, we execute the if statement. If not, we skip the if statement execution and avoid an error. The equivalent if, else logic would be:
if i != 0, consider the condition true and execute the following line. If i == 0, skip execution of the following line.

Example 3


Object casting, converting, comparing

Casting objects

You can cast an object to another class if the two classes are related by inheritance.

For example, all objects inherit from the superclass Object.

Therefore, all objects have a GetClass() method.

I do not need to make an explicit cast for my string object--in this case the command line array of strings, or string array--to use methods it inherits from its superclass(es).

The output is:

The class of [Ljava.lang.String;@108786b is [Ljava.lang.String;
The class of java.lang.Object@119c082 is java.lang.Object

Another example in which we create a custom object type.

implicit upcasting versus explicit downcasting

You do not need an explicit cast when upcasting objects, but you do need an explicit cast when downcasting objects.
For example, this example casts an object as a string.
Object is higher in the class hierarchy than String, so casting an object as a string is downcasting.

String s = "Heeeeeeeeere's Johnny";
Object o = s; // implicit upcast, no casting syntax needed because all strings inherit from the Object superclass
String sz = (String)o; // explicit downcast, need casting syntax because String is a subclass of Object

The instanceof operator

You can use the instanceof  operator to test an object's class before doing a downcast:

String s = "Heeeeeeeeere's Johnny";
Object o = s;
String sz;
if (o instanceof String) {
   sz = (String)o;

The instanceof operator tests whether its first operand is an instance of its second.

op1 instanceof op2

op1 must be the name of an object and op2 must be the name of a class. An object is considered to be an instance of a class if that object directly or indirectly descends from that class.

Here, the instanceof operator determines whether its first operand is an instance of its second operand.

The output is:

null true

Converting objects

We have seen casting among the primitive types, such as between int and double, which are related as primitives.
We also saw that all object are related, which enables upcasting and downcasting among them.
Converting is the translation between unrelated types, that is, of a primitive type to an object type, or of an object type to a primitive type, which you cannot do by casting. 
Unlike a cast, the runtime does not know enough about the types to do this automatically. 
Some code must be written to handle the conversion

Suppose that you have been storing zip codes as strings (which are objects in Java), but now you need to treat those zip codes as integers so that you can sort them as numbers more effectively.
You can use an method of the Integer class to pass in a string argument and get integer output.
In effect, the following example converts a string object into a integer primitive.

String stringZipCode = "94568"; // stringZipCode is a String object
int intZip = Integer.parseInt(myZipCode); // intZip is a primitive

Each primitive type has a corresponding "wrapper" class. Why?

To convert an integer primitive into an object of its corresponding Integer class:

The output is:

The class of which 90103 is an instance is java.lang.Integer

The most common type of conversion is to and from a String. 
The java.lang.Object package defines the toString() method with a simple default implementation. 
Many classes override this implementation to provide a translation that preserves the object's content.
For example, an XML document might use the toString() method.

Suppose you want to convert the user's command line argument into an integer.

 user_input = Integer.parseInt(args[i]);
 // compare new input argument with current max number
 if (user_input > max_number) 

Comparing Objects

java.lang.Object defines an equals() method, but the default implementation is simply a = = test. 

When you compare Strings, the = = operator tests for identical objects.
More likely, you want to test for identical values being stored in the String variables.
Every String object has an equals() method for this test of equivalent values being stored in two string variables.

Whereas line 5 creates a second reference (or variable) to the original object, line 15 reassigns that variable to a new and different object.

The output is:

Contents of s1: Jimi Hendrix
Contents of s2: Jimi Hendrix
Do s1 and s2 refer to the same object? use s1 == s2) true
Do s1 and s2 have equivalent values? use s1.equals(s2) true
You created a new s2 and assigned it the value of s1, so s2 now refers to a 
different object even if the values are equivalent.
Contents of s1: Jimi Hendrix
Contents of s2: Jimi Hendrix
Do s1 and s2 refer to the same object? use s1 == s2) false
Do s1 and s2 have equivalent values? use s1.equals(s2) true

Review with a slightly different example

java.lang.Object defines an equals() method, but the default implementation is a = = test. 
Some objects override this method (which is polymorphism applied to inheritance).

When you compare Strings, the = = operator tests for identical objects.
However, generally you want to test for identical values being stored in the String variables.
Every String object has an equals() method for this test of equivalent values being stored in two string variables.

Whereas line 5 creates a second reference (or variable) to the original object, line 11 reassigns that variable to a new and different object.


The StringBuilder class allows a String-like object to change the characters it contains, and the number of characters it contains, without automatically creating a new object. To do so, use the append() and insert() methods. See http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/StringBuilder.html

Note that the StringBuilder object, unlike a String, can be changed. The proof is that the internal identifier remains the same:

The internal buffer of the StringBuilder increases from 20 to 42 to 86.

sb.hashCode() = 366712642
The capacity of this StringBuilder object is 20 characters.
this StringBuilder contains 1234
After append = 1234appended
Here we want at least 21 characters so that the internal buffer expands beyond t
he original 20
The NEW capacity is 42 characters.
sb.hashCode() = 366712642
Here we want 43 characters so that the internal buffer expands beyond 42
The NEW capacity is 86 characters.
123456789012345678901231234 INSERTEDappended
To get a String with the same characters as those in the StringBuilder, use the
toString() method 123456789012345678901231234 INSERTEDappended

Quiz: Session 5

  1. Fill in the blank: When we initialize an object
    Apple myApple = _______ Apple();

  2. What does the missing token in Question 1 do?

  3. An array is a collection of variables, all of which must be of the same _______.

  4. Write the code that declares that an unpopulated array of type String named daysOfWeek contains 7 elements.

  5. Write one line of code that declares and populates the String array daysOfWeek with an array initializer.

  6. Write a for each loop that prints the Strings in daysOfWeek array.

  7. Why does this program crash?

  8. Based on the evidence in StringImmutabilityDemo.java, if you reassign the value of a String
    String myString = "hello";  
    myString = "goodbye";
    does Java
    (a) modify the original
    myString object, or
    (b) create a new
    myString object?

  9. What is the return type of String.equals(String str) method?

  10. In the main method:

    (a) What does args contain?

    (b) Where does args initially get its contents?

    (c) Can args be empty?

  11. The name of the ? operator is: (a) the ornery operator, (b) the thorny operator, (c) the ternary operator

  12. Rewrite the following Java code using if and else:
    x < 0 ? y = 10 : y = 20;

  13. The ? operator executes its third clause, which begins with semicolon (:), if the first clause, which ends with ?, evaluates to a boolean _________.

  14. Which method of the String class indicates how many characters are in the String object? Note: The list of methods (and their return values) to pick from is http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/String.html#method.summary 

  15. Which method of the String class returns the character at a specified location?

  16. Which method of the String class indicates whether the return value of length() will be 0?

  17. Which method of the String class cuts a String into two Strings if the specified character is present?

  18. Which method removes any leading and trailing white space from a String?

  19. Which method of the String class tests whether or not a substring is present in a string? Hint: it is not substring().

  20. Which method of the String class allows you to substitute '!' wherever the String currently has '?'